ANZAC services guide
In true country town fashion, there are many services commemorating the 100th year of ANZAC around our local region. Please feel free to share this services guide to let everyone know when and where they can honour our Diggers.
5.45am Dawn Service at the Yass Cenotaph. Free breakfast at the Yass Soldier’s Club will follow.
10.30am The official ANZAC march down Comur Street, with school children and representatives of community groups invited to march behind our Diggers and service personnel (as arranged prior to event).
11am Commemorative services at the Cenotaph.
12.30pm Lunch at the Soldier’s Club.
The inaugural service at the new Bowning War Memorial starts 11am. Bowning primary school students and all community members are invited to attend.
There will be a short service followed by tea, coffee and free sausage sizzle hosted by the Bowning and District Lions Club.
A marquee will be available if it rains.
The Murrumbateman Lions Club will be hosting this year’s ANZAC service on Saturday, 25th April 9.30am at Jones Park.
The service will be directly followed by morning tea at the Murrumbateman Country Inn.
Two Up starts at 12.30pm at the Murrumbateman Country Inn.
Service is at 10.30am at the War Memorial Gardens.
Wee Jasper
9.45am ANZAC march at Wee Jasper Bridge, followed by a commemorative service at the Memorial Hall followed by morning tea.
The Dawn Service starts at 5.45am and the ceremony is at 11am, both at Gunning Cenotaph.
Guest speakers at the ANZAC ceremony at 11am will be Terry-Ann O’Neill and Trevor Lawton. Their research has formed a significant part of the Gunning Remembers exhibition (open 11.30am- 4pm on ANZAC Day at the Court House).
Dawn Service begins 5.30am at the WWI Memorial on the corner of Cork/Lute streets.
War History Exhibition on April 25 – 26 at the Soldiers Memorial Hall.
If we have missed your ANZAC event, please contact us asap so we can promote your service.