Indoor pool, youth facilities wanted for Council’s $475,000 spending spree

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COUNCIL: An indoor heated pool is the overwhelming suggestion from the community about how Yass Valley Council should spend $475,000 on Yass-centric community projects.

This was followed closely by suggestions for better youth facilities and drinkable water.

Scoop’s original story attracted a hive of ideas from residents on social media.

Council announced this week it has extended the deadline for residents to formally submit their suggestions, which are now due in 5pm Friday, October 30.

They said $475,000 is available for community projects thanks to Section 94 developer contributions paid to Council for the provision of public infrastructure and community facilities.

They can only be spent within Yass township and must be spent on capital improvements works, not maintenance.

Residents took to social media with their ideas for making Yass a better place to live.

Cazz Blyss wants to  “do something” with the derelict Commercial Hotel, as well as beautifying the streetscape with a footpath upgrade.

“Not only is it [the Commercial] an eyesore, but it’s becoming a safety issue, although I’m not sure if council is responsible for this.

She also suggested money be used towards a public pool upgrade with a heated pool with a multi-purpose multi-sports complex, “a safe haven for the youth to hang out”.

In fact several ideas involved better pool facilities to benefit the elderly and provide entertainment for the young.

Ramansheel Shelly Kaur, Tori Brewer, Kylie Connors, Michelle Apps, Peta Stokeld, Suzanne Newnham, Paul Selwyn and Liz Tritschler all commented on the need for an indoor swimming pool.

“Put an indoor pool in that the whole region can utilise from the old to the very young,” Liz said.

Jane Ebert agreed, saying an indoor swimming pool “would be a great asset”. 

“Younger children could have swimming lessons all year round and the older children would have something to do. There is very little for teenagers to do in Yass,” she said.

Michelle was keen to have hydrotherapy available locally too as part of a multi-sport multi-purpose facility.

Cindy Wilson wanted to upgrade the existing pool, saying “it would be nice if Yass pool had a bit more going for it, ideally if there was money available or could be raised, I would love to see a [children’s] inflatable pool obstacle.”

Tennille Anderson thinks “drinkable [town] water would be fantastic” and Raylene McPherson wants improved water too. Kay Clayton agreed the money should be put towards a water softening plant.

Karen Newman thought money should be shared with the smaller satellite villages, suggesting  “a driveway where you don’t bottom out every time? Better water, better street lighting? In particular a safety net on play equipment in Bowning?

“Seems like again the ratepayers outside the Yass township get screwed over again.”

Eddie T.J. Dickson said Council shouldn’t increase the rates as planned, because “they do nothing out here [in Bowning] and no one is going to pay until they do, sorry.”

Kalinda V. C. Brown wanted to concentrate on youth entertainment.

Maybe do something for the youth like put a cinema or even a drive-in, because it’s coming up to summer now and us kids need something to spend our money on. Or maybe even set something up so the youth can work, seeing the green army is being taken away for six months.”

Jackie Davis agreed Yass youngsters needed local entertainment.

“Something for the youth in Yass. I would say a movie theater but I know that’s not enough money. Something that can give the youth part-time employment and something for them to do during the holidays.”

Cindy Wilson suggested picnic tables and barbecue hot plates at the park on the corner of Pollux and Glebe Street.

Anna Ritson wanted council to install a pedestrian crossing, “somewhere safe to cross Comur Street other than at the lights?”

Pedestrian islands would be so helpful!”

Erika Koby Seddon thought Yass could use more large chain stores such as Kmart or Big W.

Tanya Jeffreys wanted better lighting at the netball courts, and Councillor Jasmin Jones inspected the courts recently (see story here).

Ken Peisley agreed the Commercial Hotel and Yass water needed fixing.
Sharyn Reed wanted the Yass Show Ground surface improved, Stacey Rivers wanted to upgrade the Coronation Park toilet facilities because  “half don’t have locks and they’re revolting”. Regina Procter was keen to upgrade Wargeila Road.

Council’s draft list has suggested the following projects be funded. It was devised in consultation with the Yass Sports Council and incorporates Council’s Parks and Playgrounds Strategic Plan.

Upgrade to amenities / canteen facilities at Victoria Park      $150,000
Install LED training lights at O’Connor Park        $50,000
Install chain mesh perimeter fencing at O’Connor & Victoria Park        $40,000
Costing for grandstand seating at O’Connor & Victoria Park        $30,000
Install lights on field 3 at Walker Park        $50,000
Upgrade amenities building 1 at Walker Park        $50,000
Playground equipment at Banjo Patterson Park        $40,000
Install covered seating areas at Coronation & Riverbank Park        $30,000
Install irrigation system at Riverbank Park        $25,000
Embellishment to Laidlaw Street – tree planting        $10,000
TOTAL    $475,000

Public submissions will be accepted for the above projects or new suggestions of possible projects until 5pm, Friday October 30. Submissions are to be addressed to the General Manager, Yass Valley Council, PO Box 6 YASS NSW 2582 or

Council will be holding a workshop to consider all submissions in mid-November.

Read related story here.

Editor / Publisher


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