First print edition of Scoop is out!

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What an exciting day!

Scoop has been hitting the pavement handing out copies of our very first print edition of Scoop Yass Valley News!

I’ll need to head back into the newsagency to save some for ourselves – who knew it would attract so much interest?

Make sure to grab one before they run out!

We hope to come out once a week, but we never expected to sell SO MANY on the first day! Watch this space!

Thank you to all those who stopped and chatted and wished us well in our new venture (and indulged my young daughter who did her best to spruik the advantages of advertising in and reading Scoop – got to love school holidays).

We will continue to break news online and keep our readers informed of the issues affecting our town.

We now hope to expand and reach readers who don’t have very reliable internet access, and of course, those who just prefer to feel the good old newsprint in their hands!

We are being distributed weekly through Yass Newsagency – Roger and Merran are also supplying us to all their sub agents, so I must say thank you for all their support also.

We are already hitting the keyboard to begin next week’s issue, we’ve got a fair few stories lined up already and will always welcome more community news, so we’d love to receive your information by 11am Monday!

I grabbed quite a few news leads that need investigating after talks I had around town today too, so keep these news tips coming! There is always so much happening around here behind the scenes, and those are the topics I LOVE to delve into!

Thank you to all those who have been reading our online edition for the past year, your loyalty is inspirational.

Every comment, Facebook “like”, “share”, public discussion or interaction helps get our message across; we are here to report news and showcase local events you are interested in! Our Twitter followers are a force to be reckoned with, especially Yass High, who have been unwaivering and so helpful in getting our product out there!

We would love to hear your feedback, good or bad, and we hope to be able to bring this passion into the next phase!

If you’ve got an editorial query, contact Katharyn on

News tips and stories/articles can be emailed to

If you are a business or event organiser looking to optimise your reach, contact Matt at

Don’t forget to listen to Scoop’s regular news and community segments on ABC radio’s 666 Canberra every Tuesday morning, and Central West ABC (Wagga Wagga) monthly. We like to mention what’s going on around the valley for the weekend and also what’s creating news headlines here.

If you have issues and events you would like us to cover, sports you would like us to promote and businesses you would like us to grow, drop in to our office at 75
Comur Street, Yass or email or and let us know!

Wow. Just, wow. THANK YOU!



Featured in print today:
Rallying for our Yass Junction Railway
Turbines set to transform Binalong’s Coppabella Hills
Barton Highway crash injures five
Twelve months of Scoop online
Time to support locally-owned news services
Heated indoor pool meeting
Local Legend John Goode (a “this-is-your-life” feature we want to feature each week – let us know about local people who deserve public recognition!)
Celebrating Youth Week
Yass Mens Shed
Council’s lighting strategy
100 childcare placements for Yass
Yass Show’s PBR spectacular
Binalong Bits
Yass Rams rugby
TV guide
Yass Magpies Rugby League
Binalong Brahmans Rugby League
Yass Redbacks Soccer
Yass Aussie Roos Football (AFL)
Yass Golf
What’s not to miss!

Editor / Publisher

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