All posts tagged "Council"
Alex Tewes | June 25, 2015
Dog park location undecided
COUNCILLORS failed to agree on the location of a proposed off-leash dog park, at the Yass Valley Council meeting...
Katharyn Brine | May 20, 2015
Joint rescue practice a success
So who saved the red duck? Mock protesters were abseiling off the bridge and falling into cold murky...
Contributor | May 18, 2015
Barton blitz starts today
MOTORISTS will notice more police on the Barton Highway for two weeks from today, as Yass Valley Council and the...
Katharyn Brine | May 15, 2015
Council’s future discussed at meetings
COUNCILLORS and staff have been presenting the Fit For The Future Options Paper at public meetings in Gundaroo,...
Alex Tewes | May 13, 2015
Yass Valley Council: Fit or not?
OPINION: Yass Valley Council has finally released to the community its scenario documents containing the options under consideration...